I have fallen in love with sleeping; I have always liked sleeping but now the experience has become more heavenly and complete, and this cannot be described in words. The whole delight in going to sleep is all the more, well one can say heart touching. It is one of the real delight of my life at present.
I will give you an anology to actually tell you what a change I am enjoying. It can be compared to like I was till recently only having plain rotis and sabzi for dinner, but now I am having all the kheer and delicious pizzas each day. It wasn't that I complained when I was having plain rotis, I was truly satisfied; but all of a sudden I am starting having the luxury of having kheer each day.
I always am looking forward to going to bed. And the reasson has to be documented in this blog now, so that anytime in future I can recreate the magic anytime long, only if I knew the reasons. It isn't that the bed is the most comfortable one. It is a spring theory reasearcher bed. Not at all good in the long run. And also it cannot the be the amount of work I do at office or the quality of work I do. Because that is very well, quite the same type of routine work I have been doing for three years now.
I can think of some reasons though. It could be the less of pollution around here. It could be kind of time spend I spend only with me each day, where I am doing things only for myself and things which I like and this is a daily routine for me here. And its duration spans for 2-3 hrs, this actually could be the main reason. Because after that only I go to see and each day I am so delighted to sleep. And I also listen to some of my favorite music on my ipod while sleeping that is also I like doing. And I also don't mind sleeping for only 6 hrs at night waking up at around 8 am. I also like to look out of my window while on bed before the sleep, the view is normal to most people, but to me it looks splendid. I don't know why. Maybe it's my whole attitude which is contributing. God please be with me always!! To surprise me and delight me... each day of my great life
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Chop Chop, The Prairies

My dad has always told me buy some piece of land that we can plough in the English countryside, and live a happy life there after. Daddy!! your long cherished dream is gonna come true, I am going to plough the field in front of my house in Hunslet. And I am going to do it with my bare hands. None of the lawn mowers in Leeds is strong enough to cut the grass that has grown into some kind of a forest and god knows if there are some wild animals as well there. Local kids have started calling it a local zoo, just kidding, but who know maybe they have.

Indian traditions of Jugad and compromise witheld by us bunch of local desis.
Fracas @ Hunslet TPL

But it also showed how much little stamina we have and we don't even try to develop it, becoz all of our guys were well completely exhausted doing only one round of the olympic stadium size large football field. Our guys were doing huhh huhh etc and panting like canines and their myths about their sporting abilities was completely broken beyond any doubts, so did they learn anything from it or resolved to increase their stamina. Next two days we all slept and ate like pigs. Learning lessons are for kids not for us.
But till now I have narrated the boring part of the great TPL league match, the real exiciting part was when the game had ended and the players were all resting at one of the goal post. This was when these foreign TPL players got the feel of the English hooliganism complete with all the spine chilling action to drive a normal man crazy. But these TPL players are tough enough to face any adverseries, they are the best of the T.Company. The incident began when some local Haram.Kids attacked these rather out numbered TPL players. First, the players did not pay any heed to them but then they became quite violent.
These Haram.Kids as they are commonly referred to by the local desis are a determined lot, they commonly are seen in groups and they come out after late evening loaded with their beer cans and F.word abuses to drive any normal person go mad. So these Haram.Kids became very violent because they thought that some other local team had taken over their ever so beloved football ground. So then one of the H.Kids took the football and kicked at one of the player's head who was really kicked hard, and shouted in a rather murmered voice to 'call the cops', which was audible only to the person so close to him only. Now, all the H.Kids were on us, they tried to open the backpacks we carried and showed one of the players knives who in return beat this guy up with shoes well almost. One of our players managed to snatch the ball from the H.Kids and then we decided to leave the ground voluntarily. Now as we marched out of the ground, these H.Kids almost encircled us, talking and swearing at us like wild hoardes. Then as we entered the supermarked on our way back, one of the TPL players was attacked by a beer bottle, this guy who is a great beer fan was really moved by the insult to the beer so he drank the last drops and then smashed the bottle on one of the H.Kids, who bled like anything, faked!! :)
Well!! to an outsider it was ugly, it was cruel and it was racist!! Some people might have been scared and really moved and angry at their inabilty to act as they would have done in their native places, but people like moi! who have really got bored of the secure and courteous lives we live here, it was some adrenalin rushing fun and quite enjoyable as well!! If you know how to find fun and enjoyment in any situation and you sure can if you are self-aware, God save the Queen....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Hot and Sausy! ZEUS Obscure

Then one sees the ceiling and remarkably there are no fans there and thankfully so, well being that would have injured, well all the desi community here. Who is fool enough not to switch it on in such a heat; temp sours up to 21 deg, wow!! So, if this is the normal temperature here so what is the English way to cool in such scrotching heat, hopefully will find out before I burn myself.
We normally have Indian food here, so in our home we cook Indian food, when we go out in Leeds itself we head for any Indian restaurant worth its name, and when we go to somebody place we have again hand made Indian food and when we go out to say some other place in UK, no points for guessing what we head straight for to satisfy our gastronomic needs. Even Indians in India would not be so fond of the ever present desi khana, than desis here are. So when today we decided to go for lunch somewhere to celebrate an activity we are doing here called 'CSS Restructuring' everybody was kind of unanimous that we are going to have something different. What it meant was quite clear we are bored of the desi diet.

And the vote was in favor of Chaophraya’s (THAI RESTAURANT & BAR). Again you may argue, we are not having anything English. But then what is English food, is it fish and chips, of just chips or potato wedges or the hundreads of other things they do with potatoes. Or the ever so famous English breakfast of beacon and sausages, well I kind of love this Englis hbreakfast, sure do. Or is it the Chicken Tikka Masala, the national dish of Great Britain, which when we ordered in the place called Keswick in Cumbria in a haunting desi restaurant, our Bangladeshi waiter and mind you most of the so called Indian restaurant are run by either Bangladeshi or Pakistani desis and not Indian, was quite amused because we were the first desi junta to order it. And just for a quick info bite, the Great Indian Chicken Tikka Masala has been made famous in UK by Bangladeshi chef and no body else and obviously by the ever some more taste hungry English janta who actually ate and found it very amusing.
Well returning back to my lunch at Chaophraya, 'PING YANG YOP' that what it was called and well hopefully will be called in the years to come:
It was grilled chicken marinated with Thai herbs, and served
The rice was well, sweet, ya you read it right, sweet as I was having some Indian Kheer, the only Indian tribe I know will love it are the gujus or may be not, next the meat can be called good. And all the gravy that was there, which was just spoon full for the entire meal was sprinkled on the chicken itself. So came the great Indian dilemma how to eat rice without any gravy to melange rice in and gulp it. But I innovatively managed it somehow to the extent that I actually enjoyed the meal.
And to say some things about the ambience at Chaophraya, it was hmmm THAI! And the waiters were hmmm THAI! And the other guests were hmmm ...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Chillies And Pepper - The Wooden Smile

Till last week, it was as cold as cold can be, so that some of us were contemplating exporting some of the scorching heat from India, which as reports came in was boiling in the Sunny Indian Summer, forcing some to return to their native places for some reasons and enjoy the Indian summer in water coolers which they found quite a delight to bask in.
But then there was this sudden change in climate that one morning suddenly I woke up to find that I had nothing to wear that suits the climate that day and the days to follow. Suddenly the warm Primark jacket that has been my skin for so long was ripped apart from my body. And it took me no time to realise why people would not come around me especially during the last few months. It wasn’t just the smell but an identity I had to shed, who would believe a Superman if he was wearing an underwear inside his pants. Hey! Now you know why he always takes the aerial route and why wouldn’t Lois Lane spend so much more time with him.

And just to recap what people else where are doing. Here a quick recap, people here around me are engrossed in valleys of bugs, love and whisky. People in US are buying cars and camcorders. People are going to Amsterdam to see the Tulips bloom and shouting at the world to where they have been on their orkut profiles. Hmm in India, that’s a vibrant country, some people are getting married, some are preparing for their marriage in October, some have decided to take control of their lives and get going in their life and in the mean time they are going on adventure camps and having well some adrenalin rushing adventure, climbing trees like monkeys, going to Burma doing cyclones and doing more dangerous stuff like being eaten by dangerous fishes from the Arabian seas, chased by wild crabs and last but not the least having a sleep-over in a deserted dangerous beach from where civilisation is far away even the Martians are closer than humans from there. And for some reason they don’t have time for me, their hard luck. Anyways, not to forget the cool dudes in North, visiting every village of Rajasthan this time of the year and climbing every communication pole they can. And off course, people in Delhi adding more and more storey to their houses anticipating a family expansion.
And what’s happening in the Akhouri family, they have got a cute new toy to play with and to get themselves engaged in. And our baby is also having a great time growing up with so many people looking after her and her creating life for each one of them. And off course, somebody never thought that life would be so tough on him that after MBA he will have to start working each day of the year, even Saturdays included. Who cares if he is getting free lunch and a cab to pick and drive him home? He is obviously not getting the 2 hrs lunch breaks he enjoyed which have been miserably cut to 20 minutes. And the fact that he is confined to small room not allowed to move out and people call it his office. Hard luck! And some cute couples are doing rounds of Vijayawada and back to Jaipur, and about them I have no clue. And I have to write about somebody, for almost 5 months now her only aim in life it seems has been to get the ISD enabled on her cell so that she could ring on the 16th. Now that she achieved it I don’t know what her new target is. Really love her!!
And what am I doing these days… All smiles….
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